主演:唐纳德·格洛弗 勒凯斯·斯坦菲尔德 布莱恩·泰里·亨利 莎姬·贝兹
简介: Two cousins work through the Atlanta music scene in order to better their lives and the lives of t Two cousins work through the Atlanta music scene in order to better their lives and the lives of their families. Donald Glover serves as Executive Producer, along with Paul Simms, Dianne McGunigle and Stephen Glover. Atlanta is produced by FX Productio或许小时候没有实现的梦想会成为长大后的执念,格鲁想把月亮偷到手以此来证明本身。温馨的电影,来自人与人之间彼此的爱恋。三个孩子彻底治愈了格鲁,让他浑身上下都散发着爱的光芒。可爱的小黄人萌到了骨头里,是我心里的光。详情