主演:Matthew Broderick Jeanne Tripplehorn Tim Guinee
简介: Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness an Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.' By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited..固然不是亲生父亲,但马福礼却愿意豁出一切来保护金多多,人与人之间,亲人之间的感情,是在鸡毛蒜皮的糊口里,最为闪光的东西。详情