简介: With her son Edward (Tom Hiddleston) about to embark on a volunteer trip to Africa, doting mother With her son Edward (Tom Hiddleston) about to embark on a volunteer trip to Africa, doting mother Patricia (Kate Fahy) wants to give him a good send-off, and gathers her family together for a getaway to a holiday home on idyllic Tresco, one of the Isles of Scilly. Edward’s father’s attendance is eagerly anticipated, though sister Cynthia (Lydia Leonard) appears to be there unde..前几个月刚好买了这本画册,画册前半本就是影片里那些“糊口cos图”,后半本则更像是糊口平常记录,没有了cos感。可能正好跟影片对应吧,前半是画册诞生记,后半在思虑这些“不过是家庭照”的图存在的价值是甚么呢?大概不仅是为了记下拍摄的阿谁刹时吧,更是为了之后无数个在困境里需要鼓励的时刻。详情