主演:Jeremy Ninaber Ethan Mitchell
简介:Mercenaries with nothing to lose are hired to rescue a bioengineer imprisoned in a cold war bunker. Mercenaries with nothing to lose are hired to rescue a bioengineer imprisoned in a cold war bunker. Upon entering the ominous facility, they find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from an unknown and deadly creature一月份/半年前看的了好像,现实观看所用时长整整花了从中午看到晚上,第一遍两个小时电影看完又看了一遍一个小时的剧情分析,晚饭后和父亲提到这部电影两人看了个开头之后又不吭声地闷头直接把整部看完,这一套操作三个步骤下来也只能说把剧情理解了七八十哈哈。现在印象最深的除了tenet设定之外就是那份感人至深地兄弟情了 - 好像看下一部啊。详情