An unusually cold winter forces the french government to push the best housed people to accommodate some poor fellow citizens. The decree called "Le Grand Partage" createAn unusually cold winter forces the french government to push the best housed people to accommodate some poor fellow citizens. The decree called "Le Grand Partage" creates some trouble among the residents of a Paris upscale apartment block盗取别人脑中的梦和想法,或给别人制造一个梦一个想法,然后沿着这个虚拟梦境生活下去听着就感受可怕,你根柢意识不到你不是依着你本身的意愿存活,而是活在别人给你缔造的梦境中。想到此刻的信息时代,每天都有大量的信息呈此刻你眼前,各类长短价值不雅观,真假难辨,一旦装进了脑子而不能很好得独立思考加以评判,就会陷入巨大的信息大水中,像无底黑洞吞噬着你的内心。详情