Out of costume, Charlie is a clean-shaven dandy who, somewhat drunk, visits a dance hall. There the wardrobe girl has three rival admirers: the band leader, one of the musicians, Out of costume, Charlie is a clean-shaven dandy who, somewhat drunk, visits a dance hall. There the wardrobe girl has three rival admirers: the band leader, one of the musicians, and now Charlie虽然说从下午看到晚上 但时长完全值得感人而不烦复 (这可能是继牯岭街之后我看过的最长的电影)每个英雄的故事都有背景交代 所以不会糊里糊涂反而是有血有肉 画面也是高质量的未来感很喜欢 我本来以为蝙蝠侠的钞能力就有够帅气的了 没想到超人一出场还是惊呼哇好帅好帅 当然闪电侠超越光速的奔跑也够酷 奇异女侠则毫不逊色其他男性英雄 不过结尾结束得有点猝不及防 没看够 总之等候第二部 (郑恺好出戏啊)。详情