Helen Ferguson, pregnant, penniless and dumped by her boyfriend Steve Morley, takes the identity of the pregnant Patrice Harkness, when she and her husband are killed in a train Helen Ferguson, pregnant, penniless and dumped by her boyfriend Steve Morley, takes the identity of the pregnant Patrice Harkness, when she and her husband are killed in a train crash. The rich Harkness in-laws, and their other son Bill, had never seen Patrice, so they accept her and her newborn son into their family. However Steve eventually finds her and starts to blackmail h..不能深究的片子,看美女的装B打架,爽爽就好,反转是最传统的套路。只给女主精神紊乱的设定,但拍出来的却基本是不会飞的女超人,不知道为甚么反派的枪都似装饰,只知道女主武力超人体力超人,总之在想打人的欲望差遣下她就是无敌了,这样无敌的女人,看人的眼光极差,还异常的忠诚。结局给下一部留了个引子。//阿谁瞳孔放大缩小的画面是一直在重复用么?详情