A dramatization of the American general and his court martial for publically complaining about High Command's ysgou.cc dismissal and neglect of the aerial fighting forces前半段我 A dramatization of the American general and his court martial for publically complaining about High Command's ysgou.cc dismissal and neglect of the aerial fighting forces前半段我头脑一直想着苏东坡 然后后小半段直接把我整哭 "昌大啊,活成不斷向上飛的鶴雖也不算壞事,但是即便泥垢污穢沾染,也選擇活得像茲山一樣,荒涼黯然卻生機勃勃自由愜意,也未曾不是有意義的事啊..”真有大志就应该做好身边的小事 并且不要为名为利 众人都说好 你应该有所察觉 应遵循心里 独行其志 阴阳怕懵懂 不必计较太多。详情