When ruthlessly dedicated postal inspector investigates the murder of a co-worker, he finds that the sole witness, a nun, has been targeted by the killer有的没的罗里吧嗦的部分是有点多,但是我最惊奇的是开 When ruthlessly dedicated postal inspector investigates the murder of a co-worker, he finds that the sole witness, a nun, has been targeted by the killer有的没的罗里吧嗦的部分是有点多,但是我最惊奇的是开锁小哥那条线最后居然成立了!前面一些不合时宜的笑料到了最后可以或许看到人道的闪光点,这点还是戳中我的。片子也没那么糟糕啦,不过可以或许压缩一下会更好。详情