Charlie and a rival vie for the favors of their landlady. In the park they each fall different girls, though Charlie’s has a male friend already. Charlie considers suicide, is ta Charlie and a rival vie for the favors of their landlady. In the park they each fall different girls, though Charlie’s has a male friend already. Charlie considers suicide, is talked out of it by a policeman, and later throws his girl’s friend into the lake. Frightened, the girls go off to a movie. Charlie shows up there and flirts with them. Later both rivals substitute themselves for the girls and attack the unwitting Charlie. In an audience-wide fight, Charlie is tossed from the screen当个闹剧看一看还是挺不错的,很合适一些贺岁氛围,但有很多情感转折很硬,在刘的演绎眼前肖央的角色略显单薄,不如他在别的电影中表现出色,小人物的低谷并没有表现的太较着,更多浮于表面吧,所以前后对比不够强烈,人物动机也不够。刘的表演还是常年的硬汉脸,但掉忆那段真的有打动我。全片多次强调剧场性和表演性,试图借此来展现演员的甚么,但有些僵硬和牵强,结尾处强行升华也是有些委曲了。 刚发现是《无名之辈》的导演...突然觉得结尾牵强也正常了。详情