In the not too distant future, a very smoggy and overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute In the not too distant future, a very smoggy and overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute robot baby, breaks the rules and gets in a lot of trouble. (Z.P.G. stands for Zero Population Growth)毕竟环境特别,想搞一个父母温情故事也不是不行。结果就用1亿刀拍了个这么样的东西,跟6000万r的釜山行高下立判。剧本除了阿谁设定,其他的也是臭的不能再臭。老毛病慢动作放歌也出现了,而且就那么点搞笑元素纯粹是可有可无,还不如坚持苦大仇深呢,就这点也和新自杀小队高下立判。我只能说网飞为了那点流量也是够土豪的,这么造能造几部啊?详情