PD Lee, ignored by a junior who stole the idea of ‘Idol Star Athletics Championship’, wants to create ‘Idol Star Fighting Championship’ somehow. However, the boss of the broadcas PD Lee, ignored by a junior who stole the idea of ‘Idol Star Athletics Championship’, wants to create ‘Idol Star Fighting Championship’ somehow. However, the boss of the broadcasting station doesn’t want an entertainment show where pretty female idols’ faces are covered in blood, and the PD fails to recruit top female idols. Scenarist Park suggests that they recruit over the hill idols through agency problems or personal gossip. However, the training environment is extremely poor, and the investor insists on putting his daughter in the show. Even in the vicious environment of the broadcasting industry and the idol star world, strong women do not collapse and throw punches. The passionate performances of the new actors is empowering for women, Han Sunhwa, a member of the girl group, Secret, catches they by playing the scenarist. (IM Soo-yeon向往当消防员的父亲成为了家庭主夫,成为护士长的母亲幻想成为极道老大的夫人,梦想成为赛车手的哥哥在领奖台上欢呼,游手好闲的弟弟用镜头一个一个实现梦想。全家福是一段有生命的光阴,地震后散落于废墟的旧照是被遗忘的吉光片羽,写真保管所是离散家庭的残缺梦圆。用镜头造梦,有时辰简单一张照片不仅仅是记忆,更是力量。详情
索菲亚·布莱克-德埃利亚,安娜丽·提普顿,特拉维斯·托普,迈克尔·凯利,机关枪凯利,小约翰·科思伦,斯托尼·威斯特摩兰,Linzie Gray,Judyann Elder,Philip Labes,布里安娜·豪伊,Annie Ellis,Paul Lacovara,杰伊·赫农,William P. Brown